Chris Macort, Salvage Diver and Whydah Museum Exhibit Director for the Whydah Pirate Museum in West Yarmouth, spoke on the discovery by Barry Clifford of the Pirate Ship Whydah in 1984. About 200 years ago in April 1717, the pirate ship Whydah floundered off the East Coast of Cape Cod, broke apart and sank, drowning Captain Samuel Bellamy and all its crew, save two, and scattering a cargo that included 180 bags of silver, gold and jewels.

Chris Macort has spent the last twenty-five years exploring the Whydah wreckage recovering many items that are now on display at the museum. Chris sprinkled his talk with humorous anecdotes including the pirate ship capturing a ship loaded only with wine as cargo, which may have been partly responsible for that disastrous night in April of 1717.