To celebrate the holidays, the Cape Cod Tufts Club sponsored an exciting, uplifting virtual HOLIDAY SONGFEST in conjunction with the Cotuit Center for the Arts on December 16th. Featured were the Center’s in-house a cappella group, the Centertonix and specials guests, the Cranberry Shores Chorus, the Cape Cod women’s barbershop chorus. One hundred twenty-eight participants tuned into the concert that evening, which included members of the Cape Cod Tufts Club, members of the Tufts Alumni from throughout the country, the Intercollegiate Alumni of Cape Cod and Islands and the general public. Directed by Steve Stein, musical director for Centertonix, Steve provided a history of the groups and following the concert answered many questions from the audience. Prior to the concert the attendees were able to print out song sheets to “sing along” with both choruses as they sang familiar songs of the season. Both groups represented members of all ages with sixteen-year-old Aimee Champagne providing a poignant reading of the Biblical Scripture of the Nativity Story. The Concert was able to raise funds for both the Cape Cod Tufts Club Scholarship Fund, the Cotuit Center for the Arts and the two choral groups